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Info Film ini :

Sam arrives an hour late at the set. He’s a director of a television shopping program, and once he’s at the shoot he starts giving out orders until everyone is unhappy with his bossy attitude. Sam is a professional, but he’s also arrogant, snobbish, and always late to work, which means the shoot will finish late.

Tonight strange things happen on the set. What Sam doesn’t realise is that the crew and the presenters have conspired to deceive him. All the unusual things have been planned to get back at the arrogant director.

It’s 3 A.M. Ou, the assistant director, picks up his phone and steps outside the studio to talk. It’s Sam’s girlfriend. She calls to tell Ou that Sam has been killed in a car accident on his way to the studio. Ou tries to tell the crew what has happened but no one wants to listen.

The light goes off and the prank is about to begin….

Sebenarnya pembahasan ceritanya hampir mirip dengan musim sebelumnya masih mengandalkan misteri pada pukul jam 3 pagi, yang membedakan itu ceritanya teman - teman, masih punya 3 cerita yang berbeda - beda dan akan dijelaskan pada bagian ending cerita film part ke 3 ini





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